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Each week we find the latest list of properties that will be coming on the market, but not yet available to the public. Below is a list of coming soon & off-market properties in Northern Virginia for this week. To find out more information about any of these properties, please call our office at 703-420-3499 or click on the property link to request additional information.
CLEARVIEW MANOR, $2,000,000, 6br/3.2ba, Detached, Expected on MLS: March 4
LANGLEY FOREST, $2,300,000, 4br/6ba, Detached, Expected on MLS: March 1
MCLEAN CREST, $1,035,000, 3br/3.2ba, Interior Townhome, Expected on MLS: March 2
THE SIGNET, $1,750,000, 3br/2.1ba, Condo, Expected on MLS: March 3